Ang Chian Yein

Frontend Web Developer

Psychology graduate turned web developer

Back when I was an active Tumblr user, I couldn't help but fiddle with the code to personalise my page. After leaving my job in 2020, I knew I wanted to dive deeper into web development.

Python was my first programming language but I thought, “Where do I go from here?”. I searched and found an online course catered to beginners with no prior experience. I dedicated myself to the course for 3 months and learnt HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and React.js.

Then, I enrolled in a local bootcamp to further enhance my technical skills. After completing the bootcamp, I received and accepted an internship opportunity at DotRoot Technologies, gaining experience collaborating with fellow developers in the technology industry.

Currently, I am a frontend web developer, specialising in building websites and content management systems (CMS) for clients in various industries, including oil & gas, F&B, and consulting.


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • SCSS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Alpine.js
  • Vue
  • React


  • Git
  • Vite


Notifications Page

Preview of notifications page
  • React
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
Source Code on GitHub

A notifications page allowing users to mark unread notifications as read by selecting 'mark all as read'.

This project was completed as part of the Notifications page challenge on Frontend Mentor.

Advice Generator App

Preview of advice generator app
  • HTML
  • Tailwind CSS
  • JavaScript
Source Code on GitHub

A web app that generates a new piece of advice when user clicks on the dice button. In this project, I learnt how to fetch data from a public API and how to add a loader while waiting for data to load.

This project was completed as part of the Advice generator app challenge on Frontend Mentor.

Blooming Hotel

Preview of Blooming Hotel website

A mock website built to practise mobile-responsive design, especially the use of flexbox.

This project was completed as part of an online web development course.

Tick Me

Preview of Tick Me app
  • React
  • Node.js
  • CSS
Source Code on GitHub

A to-do web app enabling users to add new tasks, mark completed tasks, and filter the list to display uncompleted tasks.

This project was completed as part of an upskill programme.


Preview of Vandure website
  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery

A start-up for small businesses and individuals in Malaysia to showcase and sell their products and services.